Cara Budidaya Ikan Manfish


Ikan Manfish ialah ikan hias yg memiliki tubuh lebar serta tipis, tergolong ke dalam family Cichlidea. Ikan ini dapat hidup di perairan air tawar (pH 6 – 8) dng arus yg tenang dng banyak tanaman air yg mengelilinginya. Maka dari itu banyak yg ingin tau cara budidaya ikan Manfish yg tepat.

Habitat asli ikan Manfish ini ada pada perairan Amazon, Brazil, Columbia, serta Peru. Ikan ini sudah banyak pula pembudidayaan nya di Indonesia. Usaha pengembangan budidaya ikan Manfish ini telah dilakukan melalui Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar (BBPBAT) yg ada di Sukabumi. Nah jika Anda penasaran bagaimana sih cara budidaya ikan Manfish ini ternyata tergolong mudah kok. Cara beternak ikan Manfish di akuarium cocok untuk dicoba oleh para pemula. Berikut ulasannya!

1. Pemilihan Bibit IkanManfish

Salah satu hal terpenting dalam proses pembudidayaan ialah masalah pemilihan bibit. Bibit yg unggul akan menjadikan ikan Manfish mampu tumbuh dan berkembang maksimal hingga dewasa. Tidak hanya itu dng proses pemilihan bibit yg unggul diharapkan ikan terbebas dari berbagai penyakit karena memiliki kekebalan tubuh yg bagus.

Berikut ini ciri-ciri atau cara memilih bibit ikan Manfish yg baik dan unggul :

-          Tubuh ikan sehat serta tidak cacat. Secara fisik ikan harus sehat serta tidak ada bercak-bercak pada kulit ikan. Kriteria benih yg sehat maka dia akan aktif bergerak serta merespon bila ada rangsangan. Rangsangan bisa Anda lakukan dng pemberian pakan baik pagi atau sore hari. Jika pakan tersebut langsung di santap maka benih sudah pasti bagus karena aktif dng lingkungan.

-          Ukuran benih yg sama. Usahakan pilih ukuran benih yg seragam atau sama. Benih yg memiliki ukuran sama dapat lebih efisien masalah pakan karena tidak ada ikan yg selalu kalah saing ketika memperoleh makanan.

-          Sesuai dng standart. Makna dari istilah sesuai standart ialah benih tersebut berkualitas serta dapat terlihat berdasarkan sifatnya dalam memenuhi kriteria kuantitatif maupun kualitatif. Kriteria kualitatif ialah kondisi yg ditunjukan oleh benih yg dilihat dari asal-usul serta hasil pengamatan secara kasat mata. Sedangkan kuantitatif dapat dilihat dari umur, ukuran panjang, keseragaman ukuran, berat minimal, serta keseragaman kelincahan gerakannya terhadap rangsangan yg diberikan.

2. Tempat Budidaya

Cara budidaya ikan Manfish akan berhasil jika di support juga akan masalah kenyamanan tempat hidupnya. Sebagai pemula Anda dapat memanfaatkan akuarium sebagai tempat budidaya. Sebenarnya ada beberapa tempat budidaya yg dapat Anda pilih dalam beternak ikan Manfish, seperti akuarium hingga kolam. Setiap tempat budidaya atau tempat hidup tersebut memiliki keunggulan dan kelemahan sendiri-sendiri ya. Berikut kriteria tempat budidaya ikan Manfish di kolam :

-          Akuarium yg dipakai untuk memelihara atau budidaya ikan manfish setidaknya buat dng ukuran panjang 80 cm, lebar 40 cm serta tinggi 40 cm.

-          Jika Anda ingin membudidayakan ikan manfish dalam jumlah yg sangat banyak maka lebih baik siapkan beberapa akuarium juga. Nah satu akuarium harus mampu menampung 250 ikan Manfish dalam ukuran standar ya.

-          Sebelum akuarium digunakan untuk proses budidaya, pastikan Anda bersihkan terlebih dahulu memakai spons. Guna menghindari bakteri dalam akuarium, bisa juga Anda menambahkan disenfektan terlebih dahulu.

3. Pakan Ikan Manfish

Ikan ini mampu berkembang biak serta tumbuh dng maksimal jika Anda selalu berikan pakan dng asupan nutrisi dan gizi yg bagus. Berikut beberapa pakan ikan Manfish yg bisa Anda coba berikan ketika proses budidaya :

-          Berikan pelet dng dua kali sehari yakni tiap pagi dan sore hari.

-          Selain pelet Anda juga bisa beri pakan jenis yg lain seperti cacing beku, jentik nyamuk dan cacing kering.

4. Cara Budidaya Ikan Manfish

Ada beberapa cara budidaya ikan Manfish yg perlu Anda ketahui, mulai proses pembibitan, pemijahan hingga panen. Berikut tahapan yg harus Anda lakukan dalam budidaya ikan Manfish:

-          Persiapan wadah pemijahan. Terlebih dahulu Anda persiapkan kolam atau akuarium untuk proses pemijahan. Lebih praktis untuk menggunakan akuarium saja ya. Buat atau beli akuarium dng ukuran panjang 80 x lebar 40 x tinggi 40 cm. Jangan lupa isi air setinggi 30 cm lalu tunggu 24 jam terlebih dahulu. Setelah 24 jam lalu akuarium siap isi dng indukan untuk pemijahan.

-          Bedakan indukan jantan dan betina

Cara membedakan ikan manfish jantan dan betina sangat mudah. Berikut ciri-cirinya:

Manfish betina :

-          Ukuran tubuh relatif lebih kecil dari yg jantan

-          Bentuk kepala kecil

-          Perut besar atau menonjol jika Anda lihat dari bagian atas

-          Dari mulut ke sirip punggung membentuk garis lur

Manfish jantan :

-          Ukuran tubuh lebih besar dari ikan betina

-          Bentuk kepala besar

-          Terlihat pipih jika terlihat dari bagian atas

-          Dari mulut ke sirip punggung membentuk cembung

Pemijahan indukan

Masukkan paralon sebagai substrat. Masukkan indukan ikan pada akuarium menggunakan perbandingan 1 : 1. Kemudian betina akan menempelkan telur pada paralon sedangkan  pejantan akan keatas dan kebawah untuk menyemprot sperma pada telur-telur tersebut.

5. Penyebab Kegagalan Cara Budidaya Ikan Manfish

Berikut beberapa penyebab kegagalan budidaya Manfish :

-          Proses pemilihan bibit yg salah

-          Pemijahan yg kurang tepat

-          Perawatan yg kurang maksimal

-          Tempat budidaya yg kurang terawatt

-          Tidak ada kansungan asupan nutrisi pada pakan

16 Most Beautiful Islands in the World

The Islands conjure up dreams of heaven; An escape from the rat race, a patch of sand that is perfect where you can relax under the Palm of the hand the rustle and stared at the calm Blue Ocean. But not all islands are created equal. The beauty of some of the people is determined more by the sea that surrounds it, which can lure Diners with Crag and the Kingdom of crystal clarity develop. Other islands featuring the thick forest and velvet tops. And some tourists with their cultural gems. Whether it's the sublime beaches, stunning topography, exotic or culture you're after, these islands stretching away from the crowds but close work with comfort. From Seychelles to Santorini and Caribbean to Capri, you could find Your own Shangri-La in this list.

1. The Maldives

Maldives is home to some of the Islands most exciting in the world, but the sea, which actually make these islands shine. Luminous aquamarine waters with stitch crystals on the beach this stunning, who barely peeking above the Indian Ocean. Consisting of 26 natural atolls, Maldives Islands is a country extending the lowest on the planet, take no more than three meters above the sea at its highest point, a measurement that is shrinking every year. Under the dazzling waters, coral reefs flourish, luring divers and snorkelers from around the world. Surfers also flock here to drive a hearse that is not clean. Back to land, luxury resort provides the perfect complement to point adventure focused on the sea, the archipelago's largest asset, but also, because of the climate changes on the planet, only the largest threat.

2. Bora Bora, Polynesia France

Its shape is like a giant sombrero, fertile volcanic islands located in the South Pacific fantasy are countless. The focal point and the best assets of this tropical beauty is enchanting lagoon with turquoise color. Fish, turtles, sharks, and deer swimming in the crystal clear waters, and small islands or motus dot lagoon. The island is of course typical of France, with its delicious cuisine. Diving and snorkeling around the reefs and the hiking trails that weave through a forest full of Palm trees. If you can afford it, hid here with luxurious bungalow over water and basking in the good fortune you while you fall asleep with a gentle sea water.

3. Palawan, Philippines

Palawan is the Philippine answer over heaven. This island province extends to the southwest to Borneo with a lush limestone peaks rising from the sea gems such as very clear, so you can almost see the expression on the fish from above the surface. The shores of the sparkling white sand surrounded by Palm trees sparkling rim much of the jungle-clad Island, while underwater, coral reefs flourish with diversity of tropical fish are impressive, offering some of the best diving in the world. Other attractions include the uniqueness of the island's wildlife, Emerald Lake, and the ancient fishing village. Coron is home to luxurious resorts, and El Nido dripping with natural beauty and is one of the most charming Islands in the chain. From here, you can explore a variety of island of Bacuito. One of the main attractions of Palawan is the underwater River National Park Puerto Princesa which is listed as a world heritage, an impressive limestone cave systems with a long underground river.

4. The Seychelles

Pure and picture-perfect, Seychelles worth visiting. East of Kenya, a relatively unspoiled Islands in 115 granite and coral islands features jungles registered in UNESCO; The development of coral reefs; And Palm Beach grooved flanked by giant boulders. Nearly half of the land area of Equatorial island is protected, and many of the Islands are located in places where sea rich in fish by diving and snorkeling are excellent. The Seychelles also displays some of the richest fishing spots on this planet, making it the main purpose of anglers. Add some spicy; dishes into the mix as well as luxury resorts Mahé, Praslin, and La Digue, and easy to understand the allure of the Seychelles.

5. Santorini, Greece

Surround the caldera contains a spectacular Santorini sea, got the highest rating for the dramatic beauty. White bleached villas fall down the cliff. The blue domed churches rise against the sparkling sea, and sprays of bougainvillea naked light add color to the canvas that is eye-popping. Perched on the cliffs of black lava, Firá, and Oia are the most beautiful, and expensive on the island, and Oia are among the most photographed locations in the world. Other highlights of the island, including archaeological sites, Ancient Thira Akrotíri, black sandy beach of Perissa, and of course, sublime sunsets. Sailing into the stunning Caldera surrounded by the towering sea cliffs create an unforgettable first impression.

6. Cook Islands

If you've ever dreamed of being wasted in the South Pacific, the Cook Islands is suitable for you. Bound between France Polynesia and Samoa but have strong ties with New Zealand, 15 Islands in the archipelago is famous for its splendid aquamarine lagoons, palm-fringed beaches, and volcanic peaks. The best, including friendly locals in the South Pacific. Rarotonga is the main tourist center, with plenty of resorts, peak fertile, and the beaches are plentiful. Aitutaki boasts the beauty of Bora Bora, without the price tag. Flowering Hibiscus village nestling on the hillside, and along a heavenly Lagoon is situated small motus or islets 21, many of which are within the kayak from the resort. Prepare yourself here with bungalow over-the-water or holes in rural beach hut on a deserted island and get Your Robinson Crusoe fantasies.

7. Bali, Indonesia

Born in a culture that is intoxicating, Bali is a feast for the senses. Incense comes from Hindu temples, rice paddies in radiant electric vegetable, and undermined the food tastes. Surfing, swimming, shopping, and the Sun is the major activity in this exotic island, as well as the roads in rural areas. Soak the spiritual side of Bali in Ubud, Sanur and Seminyak, the see family-friendly, feel the pulse of the Kuta tourist pumping, or explore the sights in the neighboring volcanic island of Lombok. Spirit of Bali that will dazzle you as it soaks warm tropical waves.

8. the Dalmatian Islands, Croatia

In the Adriatic sea off the coast of Croatia, Dalmatian Islands is a combination between the charm of attractive relaxing and a rich history. Villages and quaint hotels and boutique hotels mark this wonderful Islands, surrounded by the sparkling sea. Top on the list is the famous beach strip with Brač Zlatni Rat (Golden Horn). Hvar is also beautiful Gothic church, car-free old town, and the beautiful fishing port. From here, you can cross to the Pakleni Islands, known for its clear water and coves that are remote. Other Dalmatian Islands should be dilihat-lihat with the building of the Red horned Korčula-roofed, Mljet with salty water, two lakes and a relatively Vis not clean.

9. Fiji

One of the escape to tropical Australia, Fiji ticks all the boxes of Fantasy Island. White sandy beaches, turquoise waters, transparent and solid coral reefs are all found here in abundance. And the people of Fiji to welcome visitors with a warm smile and friendly. Diving, snorkeling, fishing, and surfing in several areas, everything is fantastic, but it lies beneath the Palm trees and skidded into a sea of warm and soft can be very rewarding. With more than 300 islands, it is easy to find the perfect pair, from celebrity luxury hideaway resort and family-friendly to the Mamanuca and Yasawa group. The Fiji people love small children, so this is a superb destination for families who want to relax.

10. Kaua'i

Kaua'i is called "the Garden Isle" for good reason: the rain forest absorbs the Interior. The waterfall falls from the cliffs of lava, and the heady fragrance of tropical flowers hang heavy in the air which is engrossing. But the beauty of the island not only lies in the lush flora and heavy rain; The spectacular coastline will make you stray. Lava sculpt this amazing Island, thrusting itself from the sea floor to form velvet mountains and precipitous cliff which is surrounded by beautiful beaches. Cobalt blue under the sea, turtles and tropical fish swim along the reef, divers and snorkelers from around the world. Compared to the popular sister islands, Oahu, Maui and Kaua'i emits low vibrations and tend to move at a pace that is more relaxed. Don't miss the stunning beach of Nā Pali, Waimea Canyon 10 miles, and views of the clouds from a cliff above Hanalei Bay.

11. St. Lucia

St Lucia is transmitting beauty of the dark and brooding. Unlike other Caribbean Islands, beaches are not necessarily his best asset, though with Golden Sands and graceful palms, they are very popular with those who visit. In contrast, the island itself drenched in drama topography. The towering Pitons, twin volcanic peaks, lush scenery, take a lead of more than 700 metres from the sea, and provides a stunning backdrop to the stunning views. The forest that swell of coconut trees, waterfalls, quaint fishing villages, coral reefs, natural trails, and healing hot springs are just some of the sights to be explored here. Beautiful Marigot Bay and Anse Chastanet Marine Park is very interesting. The influence of France on the island also adds to its appeal.

12. Capri, Italy

Capri's glamorous, around 20 kilometres from the Amalfi coast, live up to all the hype. Sea stacks and towering cliffs rising from the Tyrrhenian Sea which framed the teal framed by a spray of colorful flowers. A popular attraction is the blue cave, glowing sea cave, where locals paddling tourists in small boats and sang opera to demonstrate the new shell. Arriving at the port of Marina Grande, climb the stroller up to the main town of Capri, which feels like a film set. Piazza here buzzing with locals and tourists alike are impeccably carry shopping bags full of designer clothes and perfumes on the island. While you're here, be sure to visit the highest town, Anacapri, and ride the lift to Monte Solaro for spectacular views across the island and the sea.

13. Ko Phi Phi, Thailand

On Ko Phi Phi, a small archipelago in the province of Krabi Thailand, lush limestone peaks rising from the tropical sea, warm waters and struck a sweet Beach House in the Palm of the hand. Slammed by the tsunami in 2004, Ko Phi Phi has now been recovered. Its natural beauty is still reliving a dream tropical island posed by the famous Leonardo DiCaprio film The Beach, filmed on the coast of the neighboring island of Maya Ko Phi Phi Leh. Ko Phi Phi Don is the only inhabited island and offers day trips to the surrounding islands. Other popular activities include swimming, snorkeling, and diving. Don't miss the Monkey Beach, famous for its unruly.

14. Whitsunday Islands, Australia

Sprinkles along the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage listed, the Whitsunday Islands is a fantasy version of Australia's classic tropical island. 74 this is a fertile Island hilltop sinks that rises above the Coral Sea. Sailing is a popular pastime here, and a very good dive along coral reefs which are rich in fish. This is a very fragile ecosystem protected by six national parks, and you can explore some of the hiking trails on the island. Accommodation ranges from campsites by the beach, resting place of eco, and escape to luxury family resort like Island Hayman Island Qualia and Hamilton. Don't miss the silica sands of Whitehaven Beach from the glow on Whitsunday island. Airlie Beach and Shute Harbour is the main launching point for the Whitsunday adventures.

15. Sardinia, Italy

Beautiful white sandy beaches, rugged coastal peak, delicious cuisine, a unique melting pot of cultures, and the ancient archeological treasures: what is not liked about this island of Italy? Most travelers have heard about the glamorous Costa Smeralda, or Emerald Coast, with its coves and crystal clear sea green, but the Mediterranean island's large and diverse it also claims many other attractions. Sardinia is home to Europe's largest Gorge, Gola su Gorropu; Prehistoric archaeological sites; The charming town of Alghero from Catalan; And medieval roads in Cagliari, the capital. While you're here be sure to sail along the beautiful coastal drives some and enjoy the spectacular views.

16. St. Barts

Beautiful, yet understated, St. Barts luring movie stars and Moguls from all over the world, and for good reason. This beautiful island offers the delicious flavour of France in the tropics, with a relaxed charm that distinguishes the travelers. Beach chairs a glamorous blonde around its coastline, supported by green hills. Privacy and seclusion are the other best selling points, but of course all of this is expensive. This enchanting island is one of the Caribbean's most expensive areas, but if there is no object of money, you can enjoy yourself in the private villas or boutique hotels, dine on gourmet cuisine in France until your heart's content, and to live a lifestyle of the rich and famous.

Awesome Things to Do in Cusco Peru Tours

When it comes to having a full-color history, Peru is a country that could not be bypassed. From the perfect beaches, the Amazon rain forest, a vast expanse of desert, and up into the Andes mountains, Peru with many native tribes has been getting a lot of adventures for you.
Whether you are in a dilemma because you don't know what to do with your spare time whenever you get to Cusco in Peru? Well, you have no reason to worry because this is a list of some great things to do while in Cusco Peru tours;
Investigation Of Culture
You can explore the Imperial City of Cusco to find out more about the unique cultural blend. With 150 different languages that can be found in Peru, unique customs, ancient traditions and local techniques in Cusco will definitely add to Your wealth of knowledge.
Explore The Sacred Valley Of Cusco
This seems to be a favorite of all the things to do for tourists in Cusco. The Valley is also called the Valley of the Urubamba is the starting point of the ancient civilization of the Incas and has always been amazing sights to be seen through the intrinsic relationship with everyday life. Places to see and things to do while in Cusco Peru tours in this stunning Valley including a stopover in the ruins of Ollantaytambo, Moray and Salineras de Archaeological Park Maras (Maras Salt Mines). You can also go for other outdoor activities such as a layer of zipping, trekking, rafting, rock climbing and mountain biking in the Sacred Valley.
Never miss the cuisine
Cuzco offers a range of luxury food in several restaurants and trendy cafes. You get a nice breakfast together "escabeche" for breakfast at the Popular Mercado Comedor de Wanchai. You can also get lunch at La Chomba in Calle Tullumayu-exclusive place for local dishes. La Romana also boasts a large size pizza for Your weekend pleasure.
The Pleasure Of Sacsayhuaman
Another way to enjoy your tour is walking down a hidden tunnel behind Sacsayhuaman, gliding down from rocks and picnic under the trees next to the Qengo.
Shopping experience
With abundant resources in Cusco, you can shop with pleasure at the weekend at the Plaza to Tupac Amaru. You will also have a very good experience on a Saturday morning at the market in smugglers Baratillo places where you can have an unbeatable stuff (according to your risk).
Place such great vacation guarantee Cusco!

15 Best Tropical Vacations

Spectacular beaches, warm sea which is tender, beautiful scenery, and endless sunshine, this is some of the main ingredients of an ideal tropical holiday. But each destination offers charm girang. Some dazzle with their natural beauty. Others are adding cultural attractions into the mix, with exotic customs, architecture, and delicious cuisine. Some offer an eco adventure and wilderness is rich in wildlife, and some of the island's sleepy it seems will take you back in time. Divers flocking towards coral reefs that are being developed, and surfers looking for the perfect wave. This is just a matter of finding the fitting. From Asia to Australia and the United States to the Caribbean, a list of 15 tropical getaway includes some of the most beautiful islands in the world as well as ideas on fun things to do and the goals for all budgets, whether you are searching for Bungalow over-the-water in Bora Bora or bamboo huts on the coast of Bali.

1. Bora Bora, Tahiti

Bora Bora is a classic South Pacific paradise. Beautiful and picturesque islands of Polynesia France this rises to the top sharp Emerald surrounded by blue lagoons. A cluster of Palm trees stuck along the coast, and luxury bungalows perched above the clear waters, some with glass floor panels so you can peek into the sea that grow underneath. While the Bora Bora a top scoring points for natural beauty, it also marked the box if your looking for some cultural attraction. Its official language is the language of France, and you can taste the influence of Gallic in gourmet cuisine. Add a bevy of fun water sports, kayaking trip to the tiny motu (Island), the beautiful hiking trails and adventure such as shark dives, and is easy to see why many tourists rated expensive Bora Bora as final destination honeymoon and most recently, the place once in a lifetime for the perfect tropical getaway.

2. Riviera Maya, Mexico

If you are looking for a beach, culture, food and a lovely zesty all wrapped up with the labels at affordable prices, Mayan Riviera (Riviera Maya) in Mexico is the right choice. At the tip of the Yucatán peninsula, along the Caribbean coast, includes resort destination Riviera Maya in Cancún, Playa del Carmen, and the island of Cozumel. You don't have to stay in a resort all-inclusive lively here, although you will find many things in front of a long and stylish postpaid. An intimate boutique hotel and yoga retreats also intervened. Swim with stingrays and dolphins, diving, snorkeling and fishing are popular activities in the warm and clear waters, and birds of prey culture can explore the ruins of the ancient ruins of Tulum, in the stunning atmosphere above the turquoise Caribbean Sea, or Chichen Itzá, a few hours ' drive from the resort strip.

3. Maldives

Bound across the Indian Ocean southwest of India and Sri Lanka, 26 natural atolls of the Maldives radiates an almost unfathomable due in large part, to the glowing blue waters that surround them. If slipping into the sea crystal clear and turquoise is the main criteria for Your perfect tropical holiday, this is the place to do it, because water is composed of 99 percent of the Maldives. Paradoxically, it also threatens to overwhelm the edges lowlands of this island nation. Male ' is the capital, but most visitors heading to one of the outlying atolls, where luxury resorts and the beaches deserted white bordered by aquamarine waters await. Diving and snorkeling are world-class, and the Maldives is also a top surfing destination with the most popular surfing spots in the North and the South Male Atoll. Other popular activities here include swimming with manta rays and whale sharks as well as big game fishing. With water being a focal point and so many islands to choose from, the Maldives is also the perfect candidate for a cruise vacation.

4. Editor's Pick Aitutaki, Cook Islands

Aitutaki in the Cook Islands, which has a close relationship with New Zealand, is a dream destination of aspiring comedian. Blessed with a luminous aqua lagoons, lush peak, sublime beaches full of Palm trees, and some friendly people in the South Pacific, Aitutaki ticks all the boxes for a perfect exotic tropical holiday. Rarotonga is the largest island in the Cook Islands, and the main tourist gateway, however, is a 45-minute Aitutaki, is the jewel in the Crown, and that says a lot in Islands of 15 exciting tropical island. Swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, and fishing are very fantastic, and this island offers a window into the relaxed village life, which begins to stop on Sundays for church services. More than 20 motu (small islands) sprinkled around the lagoon, and the small island of Tapuaetai (One Foot Island), in the southeast corner, is a popular tourist spot with a beautiful Lagoon views. If you really want to splurge, choose the bungalow over-the-water. From here, you can paddle to your own private motu, down to the bottom of the Palm tree, and pretend you are Robinson Crusoe for a day.

5. Kaua'i, Hawaii

Called the Garden Isle, Kaua'i is a tropical Eden, with lush rainforests, waterfalls, and spectacular beaches of green tops. A masterpiece of nature of the lava landscape-etched dramatic, this island has a more relaxed vibe than the popular kependuduk island in Maui and Oahu. Although Kauai is famous for being home of one of the most rainy place on Earth, the island consists of several micro-climate, and the area around Poipu tourists tend to be drier. Under the water, you'll find colorful coral reefs, where the turtles and tropical fish swim. On land, you can sunbathe on golden beaches, admire the view from the cloud-covered cliff above Hanalei Bay, hike among the peaks of the Nāpali Coast vipers, and exploring Waimea Canyon and jungle along the 10 miles. Tropical gardens, waterfalls, coastal cities are cute, and the surf break is a fantastic tourist attractions. Don't be surprised if you find yourself sharing the beach with the dog seamen slept well; Nature reigns here, and that is a big part of the attraction of the island.

6. Mamanuca Islands, Fiji

If you're dreaming of a beautiful South Sea Island bathed in sunlight, Mamanuca Islands in Fiji, fit the Bill. A short boat ride from the city gate Pulse, picture-perfect series of about 20 island is popular for its beach-Palm studded with sparkling, crystal clear waters, coral reefs and lush. The first time you see the beauty of this tropical, it's easy to see why the film Survivor and Tom Hanks Cast Away was filmed on the Islands in the chain. When choosing a place to stay, your budget and your interest will determine the island Fiji is best for you.

Accommodation ranges from backpacker resort's lively toward family hotel with thatched bures (traditional cottage), and a luxury hideaway as Vomo Island Resort, Likuliku Lagoon Resort, Tokoriki Island Resort and that has just grown. The resort a popular mid-range including Matamanoa Island Resort, a resort island of Malolo Island, Where Island, and the island of Castaway. One of the top surf breaking on the planet, Cloudbreak, located about a mile from the Tavarua Island Resort, but you can access this legendary pause from the other island resort. Fiji love children, so this is also a superb destination for families with young children who want to relax.

7. St. Barts, Caribbean

If you like sparkling views of the jet setter, private villas, and beautiful beaches of Saint Barts, which affected France must be included in your list. But everything comes with a price. The current visit of the movie star and mega-moguls constant means of accommodation and food is more expensive than other purposes-especially in the high season. But, instead, you will find the beautiful blonde Beach backed by rolling green hills, shopping and world-class dining, and cultural sophistication that isn't owned many other tropical destinations. Like everywhere, the low season offers great deals and all beaches are public, so you can hide in private villas or boutique hotel and live the life of the rich and famous with a cheaper price. In addition to sunbathing on the beach, shopping and partying with delicious food delicious continental, popular activities here include snorkeling, diving, kite, kayaking, fishing, surfing, and sailing. Top beach is the beach of Saline, Gouverneur, and Lorient, and red-roofed capital of Gustavia is one of the prettiest towns in the Caribbean.

8. Abacos, Bahamas

Nearly 300 kilometers east of Florida, Abacos, Bahamas, offers some of the best waters for boating and sailing. This peaceful Atlantic Islands, also called the Out Islands or Family Islands, looking away from the bustling tourist deposits near Florida, pine-fringed beach remote; Coral reefs; Dan sleepy fishing villages, where golf carts and ships is the primary mode of transportation. United Kingdom loyalists settled on these islands, and you can see the legacy of this colonial cottage in cute and colorful that lined the narrow streets. The main area for the holidays include low Cay Elbow that cute striped Lighthouse famous; Turtle Green Turtle Cay was three miles long, that feels like a step back into the past in the Bahamas long; And Treasure Cay in Great Abaco, with white sandy beaches that are flapping in the waters of a turquoise green color. Guana Cay, Walker's Cay, and Man o' War Cay is the other popular Islands. Favorite activities include fishing, dive, snorkel, relax, and chat with the locals, and with miles of pristine beaches, it's easy to find your own private patches. From the soft white sand.

9. Ambergris Caye, Belize

At the tip of the Yucatán Peninsula, Belize Caye in amber is one of the main tourist destinations of the country and the largest of the 200 cayes. While the Caribbean coast is generally better for fishing than swimming, thanks to the stretch of the turtle grass thrives, Sea Reserve Hol Chan a Grand more than just keep up with the diving and snorkelling are remarkable less than half a mile from the beach. The underwater island is part of the Belize Barrier Reef system, the second largest barrier reef in the world after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Shark Ray Alley is a popular site, where divers could be dealing directly with a nurse sharks and stingrays. Anglers also converge here to roam the flats for bonefish and try their luck to get a permit, tarpon, snook, and Barracuda. Part of the charm of the island is the town of San Pedro which is full of colour, where golf carts rule the streets and funky restaurants featuring fresh seafood and dishes inspired by Mexico. Because the northern part of the island is located a stone's throw from Mexico, the island has a strong influence of Mexico, and many locals speak in Spain.

10. Dominican Republic

On the eastern side of the island of Hispaniola, the Dominican Republic is the premier choice for the budget minded, but this popular vacation destination is more than just beautiful beaches and the resort of high value. Rich in history and culture, "Dr.", as the name suggests, the eco system also offers some of the most diverse in the Caribbean, with the steamy jungles, deserts, coral reefs, mangroves, savanna, green tops and soaring.

Sightseeing tours from Puerto Plata, Punta Cana, La Romana, and Samaná, where all inclusive resort in groups along the scenic coast, and you'll discover a world of adventure. You can climb the highest peaks in the Caribbean, swept the white waters of the Río Yaque del Norte, hike to waterfalls through the steamy jungle, and cycling past a pine forest along the mountains. Cultural attractions also became a spotlight. The capital, Santo Domingo, is a UNESCO World Heritage site, with charming colonial architecture and history. But if you just want to sunbathe on the beautiful beaches, diving, swimming, surfing, and snorkeling, you will find plenty of opportunities to do that too.

11. Bali, Indonesia

For those who are looking for a tropical holiday with the spiritual side of Bali, liked the charm of mistisnya. The shrine contains the fragrant incense; Rice field glowing in the sunshine amber; And the people of Bali who quietly and gently add the charms of the island unbearable. If you are looking for a view of the lively beach, with many shops and restaurants, pamper yourself in the busy Seminyak or Kuta, where you will also find a fantastic surf beaches. Sanur is a great place for families, with gentle waves, and Ubud, in the lush hills of the hubbub is the soul of the coast, Emerald Island. Bali is also known by a relatively affordable spa treatments, so you can indulge without the sticker shock. Accommodations include everything from hostel cheap-as-chips up to luxurious villas that are managed with a personal chef and chauffeur. The neighboring volcanic island of Lombok is also a popular destination, with the development of less than its sister island.

12, Port Douglas, Australia

About an hour drive north of Cairns in Queensland, Port Douglas is the ideal destination for lovers of natural adventures. This upscale city has grown from its humble origins as a fishing village which became arrogant tropical tourist resort which is popular and useful base for coral reefs and desert safaris. Two of the richest ecosystems in Australia located far from here: the Great Barrier Reef, with diving and snorkeling is exceptional, and the Daintree Rainforest, part of the Wet Tropics world heritage site, which fall into the waters of the coral is lush and rugged Cape Tribulation. . The leafy streets in the city coated palms and mango trees, as well as a group of upscale shops, cafes and art galleries, and features his star is Four Mile Beach, a Crescent of sand-fringed lace-up from the forest. Swimming is restricted here during the marine stinger (November to June), but has always been a favorite place for walking. Major attractions include Wildlife Habitat and Bally Hooley, Sugar Train that goes through the fields sugala to Mossman. Fishing trips and expeditions to the North through the rugged landscape of Cape York Peninsula are also popular. Winter, from May to September is the best time to visit, when temperatures are cooler and drier weather.

13. Andaman coast, Thailand

The Andaman coast is the perfect place to explore the spectacular Islands in the Andaman Sea. This lush limestone peaks rising from turquoise waters, creating one of the most striking sea views on the planet. The famous Islands include the Phi Phi Islands such as Ko Phi Phi Don, with a lot of resornya, and Ko Phi Phi Leh, where Leonardo DiCaprio film The Beach was filmed. These islands are located at the popular Phuket day trip, but you can still find peace in your own background if you search further. Phang Nga Bay is home to over one hundred Emerald beauty, including the famous James Bond Island.

A popular area for a base to explore all the natural beauty of this is the popular Krabi or Phuket, the largest island in Thailand. The enchanting landscape continues inland Khao Sok National Park, where you can communicate with the elephant in the middle of the peak forest and gather. Accommodation ranges from luxurious bamboo huts are homestays and cheap to luxury villa-style resort is perched on the cliffs of the sea, but any high-end resorts tend to be more affordable here than other tropical destinations. This is the right choice if you are looking for an exotic, fiery food culture, and the enchanting scenery not breaking the budget. Try to avoid the southwest monsoon, which usually invade the beach from end of may until mid-October.

14. The Peninsula Nicoya, Costa Rica

In Pacific Coast Costa Rica, Nicoya Peninsula is a very hot spot for surfers and tourists of eco, with pockets of jungle forests and long beaches washed with perfect barrel rations. Surfing can be great any time of the year. Major tourist cities in the region include Tamarindo, the most advanced city in the peninsula, with fantastic surfing for all skill levels in Playa Tamarindo, as well as restaurants and hotels. This gives a colourful mix of backpackers, surfers, families, and expatriates. At Tamarindo you can snorkel, scuba dive, horse ride, zip line, and watch the turtles nest from October to March on the nearby Playa Grande, one of the most interesting nesting places in Costa Rica for leatherbacks. Upscale Santa Teresa in Mal Pais, along the southwest corner of the peninsula, also famous for its fantastic waves, as well as yoga retreats, organic restaurant, and a boutique hideaway. The other major area to consider is the beautiful Nosara, supported by a patchwork of green forests, Montezuma, and Samara, one of the least of the peninsula. Not far from the coastal cities of this Forest Reserve, Monteverde Cloud protects one of the last pockets of cloud clouds unspoiled.

15. Florida Keys

It is home to the only coral reefs in the United States, the Florida Keys offer a fun tropical watering, fantastic fishing, and some of the beautiful sand in the Palm of the hand. Heading South Miami more than 110 miles to within approximately 90 miles from Cuba, the Keys are coral islands linked by cross street, so you can drive between them on the highway, which stretches from Key Largo South to Key West.

The main attractions include the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary in Key Largo, with a great diving and snorkeling; Bahia Honda State Park, where you will find some of the most beautiful beaches; And the legendary Key West, where there is a mentality of any complete Caribbean-style huts are colorful and rich history of Hemingway. You can also visit the southernmost tip of the United States here. ISLAMORADA proclaimed himself as the "sportfishing capital of the world," with tarpon, bonefish, and permit to catch; And Marathon are also excellent for casting a line. The tournament was held in the great name of fishing the waters around each year. While you're here, try tasting some snails, sea snails, also a kind of cake famous limes.

Things to Do in Morocco Tours From Marrakech

Marrakech, the first stop in a journey through Morocco, is an ancient city and crowded. This is an urban oasis that consists of ancient markets, shops, cafes and a Museum are endless. Visitors from all over the world have been visiting the city for business or pleasure. Like most towns in Morocco, Marrakech is divided into two parts; The ancient Medina (old town) and new town (novel of the village). Over the past decade that has been going on, the city became a tourist favorite and a favorite destination for many Europeans; Who have purchased homes retirement while some go there often on holidays.
There are many things to do during a popular holiday Morocco tours from Marrakesh. The souks of Marrakech is one of the best places to visit during your tour. Marrakech is an old trading station, and over the centuries has blossomed into the home market. Each market was originally was the home of a group of individuals with a certain speciality stores. Market Souk Semmarine (Submarine), the Ableuh Souk, Souk Kchacha (Bia), Siyyaghin, Souk Smata Souk, Souk, Souk Cherratine Belair if and Souk Had nine. From the Souk, there is a market and shopping area in Marrakech to Do your shopping it is important to go as deep as possible before you begin shopping.
Those who have been visiting Marrakech can testify that you can not visit it without tasting some of their fancy cuisine. Delicious street food you'll want to eat more of it after you're already full. Street vendors offer a variety of food: fresh fruit, grilled brochettes, sandwiches, stews and tajines, crackers and soup. Visit jam Lena and eat in open-air stalls are also the best food they have to offer, which is second only to street food. There are other restaurants and cafes in the city that you can buy food from Latitude31, NoMad, and Bakchich Cafe.
Enjoy the best nightlife of all time during your tour. There are several night clubs where you can enjoy your evening in Marrakech. Pacha is the biggest nightclub; They offer drinks and the most famous disc jockey in the world who play there. Marrakech Royal Theatre Royal Symphony has played all year as well as a host of many other cultural performances. Djellabar has the feel of a modern bohemian; You can visit for dinner and drinking, also went shopping for some unique art, books and fashion goods; In the end a delicious glass of wine.
Day trips from Marrakech are also available; Two popular day trip is the Ourika and Facilities. In Ourika, a person can stroll through the rose garden and enjoy the beautiful view of the Valley of the Atlas mountains. Visit the spring, when the cherries, almonds, and roses are blooming. The best way to enjoy and explore the mountains is to arrange trips that allow you to walk. They say the best way to enjoy the place is on foot. During a day trip, you'll enjoy the view you get from the tourist area.
Marrakech is a city of legend, with a mix of culture, the culture of Europe and the Middle East. While touring around the place, you can visit the villages, packed together with local families and their cultural activities. In this way, you will have a lot of fun and most important be aware of the cultural diversification in Marrakech. Understanding the culture of the community is a good experience, and you know their cultural beliefs and activities.
Visit historic sites such as the Palace of the Saadian Tombs, Badi, Ben Joseph Madrassa and the Bahia Palace. You'll get great experience how old town. There are also other monuments and museums such as the Museum of photography and the Museum of Marrakech. Plan to have the whole day for you to visit these attractions, tour, there is a very good guide service in Marrakech are offered by local guides. There are also several mosques in the city, Morocco became a State of Muslims, including the Koutoubia mosque and the mosque of Ben Youssef.
One of the best ways to enjoy a tour of Morocco from Marrakesh is by letting tour Anaam do all the planning for You; This will help you to enjoy Marrakech, stress free. The city is very suitable for any tourist, and everyone can take home goods and valuable experience.
It is always a dream to visit Morocco which is one of the most tourist attractions. Demand for holidays in Morocco increases significantly each year to explore the enchanting Kingdom extending from the Imperial City, the Atlas mountains, to the sand dunes of the Sahara. Salma Botros is a travel writer and a very good tour and with his writings, he tried to help the tourists to the best places and right to visit. Now he's focusing on Morocco and her beauty.